Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs

What could be the implications of Katy Perry edging out Taylor Swift as Forbes' highest-paid female music artist in 2018 might please fans of low-grade, pop battle. The real excitement and the possibility of a challenge to their standing lies in Forbess Top 10. Helene Fischer is ranked No. 8 in Forbes' Top 10 list, just behind Rihanna and ahead of Celine Dion as well Britney Spears. Who? There is one thing that's certain that she is a super-star from Germany and Russia who keeps her mouth shut to keep the appeal of being a normal woman. Butter is her favorite, however interviewing in depth only shows that her husband is an German TV personality with her picture tattooed across his arm. Fischer 34, as a matter of biographical terms, is the star in Germanys Schlager scene. Its sound is directed in two different direction. The second song is a more bierhalle beat that moves through the subject matter of alcohol and babes, as well as Germany. Fischer is the person who embodies this foil, an obedient woman whose heart skips and whose breathing stops when she thinks about the ways her husband is playing the female vulnerability in order to inspire his protection instincts. Schlager has reverted to its more traditional themes as the antidote to the vulgar western music which swept into Germany following the conflict. It has remained popular due to its popularity among baby boomers and the rest of us and is well-served by infinite Schlager TV specials Fischer presents one every Christmas a cloying all-star revue which makes Jools Annual Hootenanny look similar to channel 4s Club X. Schlager shares the same casual style as country music as well as Fischer has modernized it by introducing a soaring synth pop upgrade. She is like an German Taylor Swift. While Swifts music style evolution has was cool, it's difficult to quantify how much criticism is there for Fischers frankly horrible music.

Claudia Wells is an American actor who was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame by portraying Jennifer Parker Marty McFly in the 1985 Back to the Future film. Also in 1985 Wells was a co-star on Stop the Madness an anti drug music video sponsored by the Reagan administration and featuring a variety of well-known actors, musicians and athletes. The following year, she appeared as a character in Babies Having Babies, and was a part of Fast Times - a short TV show that aired live based on the 1982 hit film Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Claudia paused her acting career in spite of her successes in the entertainment business. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called To date Claudia has accumulated more than 50 credits in both film TV and theater but she considers her true professional career in the field of entertainment onscreen to be a long way off her when she is looking for gritty roles that shy away from convention and push boundaries. Claudia Wells is the head of Armani Wells, a men's premium-clothing retailer. For more information, visit her website

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